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O.k. my contribution is finished, packed & sent to George:) There are two main folders, one contains the example work & the other one contains the contributed files. Every item (almost every:) is in original wmp format but also in mdl format with simple AO shadowmap.

The example file I created (clicked together from mdl files) is a sort of barbarian courtroom with small cells and a sentencing area:) Since I wanted it to be in the game environment I placed it in the George's RPG Template, behind the player, replacing the big Cave doors. My example file in the templates is in the wmb format but the original wmp file (also present in the folder) consists only of mdl files with external textures. You can, of course, use a wmp file with mdl's or use, as I did, the same file but compiled into wmb:)

Just one more thing: I completed the example in bit of a hurry & tweaked some of the mdl files in the process, so it is advised to use these mdl files and not the ones that are in the 'files' folder.

..after some thinking I decide to enhance my contribution further. However if I fail to deliver the newer version in time, this version will still be available in AUM 100.

Last edited by Pavle; 06/01/11 23:30.

>>Demos free3DModels Tutorials<<
>>>>>>> by Pavle Nikolic <<<<<<<