I may redo the player model but only to refine it and improve animations, I won't replace Superku. I don't think that a robot would be a good choice, too, thanks for the tip, though.

Some updates:
- The game has a new look. The whole setting is now a really old film, including a sepia color scheme, random film scratches (not so easy with post processing), subtle screen flickering and noise:

- There are now unlimited levels - parts of them repeat unless you go the right way.
- A reworked menu.
- Detailed statistics and best times.
- A ghost script: Complete a level successfully (with a new best time) and a ghost file will be saved. When you try the level again, the ghost will run along and show you how you got the best time.
Because the default transparency does not look good when it comes to overlaying faces, I've written my own "smooth" transparency effect:

(just noticed that bright model parts are too opaque)

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends