For people like me who couldn't for the life of them understand the hype for a game like this (and especially given it's development history, and especially after switching to a completely different developer), I heartily recommend RPS' "live-blog"-playing of the first few hours of the game. You should read it even with no interest in the game, because RockPaperShotgun's authors are easily the most talented in all of game journalism, and because the comments from the community add such a neat little bit of sadistical fun to it. So go and read it!. While you're at it, you might want to read their Review.

Now that you're confronted with those cheaper, better alternatives, why not instead spending your money on actual good games that do not insult your intelligence, instead reward you with clever stories and good, innovative game mechanics?

Oh, right. Hype. I forgot.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

Check out Dungeon Deities! It's amazing and will make you happy, successful and almost certainly more attractive! It might be true!