Just wondering... has Sid ever finished a game? He sounded like it...
Yes, he actually did... He even finished three games and some serious applications for this new shiny iOS device. The first one was the famous gulli:adventure (I guess you can still find it on gulli.com) with which he won an iPhone 3G and a short trip to vienna. The second one was 5mb robot (can be found in the AUM resources) The third one is the successful and infamous iAtoms which you can currently get for free on the App Store (to be honest, I just wrote the multiplayer part and the graphics engine for the game, Slin wrote the single player part)
And two of my recent serious applications are Moneybag and Trafiken which both can be found on the App Store as well (the second one is a pretty cool swedish traffic app).
Oh and then I wrote a small Open Source kernel called NANOS ( https://github.com/JustSid/NANOS ) and the best 2D engine for iOS devices (its still! the only one with shader support ( https://github.com/JustSid/Void-Dead ). And I still have this pretty unsuccessful (for unknown reasons) library called Lite Foundation. But all of these aren't really games and there is an even greater list of finished small projects... Oh and I have a list of abandoned projects as well, but not as long as the one from Esper: A Minecraft recipe browser for iOS (Notch told me to stop it. Meh), Die Händler (A7 game, you can find it here I guess), Miltun (A5 game) and iAtoms v2.
Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research. I write blog posts at feresignum.com