No, not just the flashlight, the example which is in the picture above made by Grafton I think, I got that one from AUM. But to be honest I don't really like it, shadows are terrible and not realistic... And there are no dynamic and static lights as well... But even if there were, it's not what I'm looking for. About Global Illuminations, in the video at "0.13" you can see how walls are illuminating by flashlight. When he points with flashlight to the right, you can see illumination on the left wall, same for the right side when he points to the left wall as well. This way lights, shadows and illumination itself are really looking awesome and very realistic! I hope this could be made with GS, cause as we can see from the video, it was made without any problems on old Quake's (2) engine.

Dark@: screens are really pretty laugh
The thing I don't really like is, that most of sweet stuff in GS is always faked... Yeah, at least now we have real HDR which isn't really a new...

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