I agree with that point of non gaming product for big societies like internal simulations or advertising games or educational !


I'm interested in game making not simulations or other things !
I've got A8 and i target little indie games (like some in Steam) so i don't need a lot for now all terrain and FPS stuff !

Some points i don't know :
- it is easy to import animated models from Blender ?
- can we make some other thing than FPS ?
- it is easy to manage collisions ?
- it is easy to script ?
- can it run on lower hardware by avoiding last gen shaders ?

I'll wait for some demos made by users if they appear laugh ?

it's like unity 3D, lot of users put demos of their games, that really count to promote the engine also !

I'll wait for users game made, to really test what can be done !!

Last edited by ratchet; 07/13/11 18:45.