Option 1) Use the 'hWndTarget' variable to re-direct the renderer to another window. All you need is the HWND (handle) of the window (or control) that you want to render into. More in the manual about this.

Option 2) Use the WinAPI functions SetWindowLong, SetParent, etc to physically embed the child window into another. Might have some problems with threading and input between the two, so you can find functions such as AttachThreadInput, overriding the wndProc, etc to help fix these problems.

If you don't know what a HWND is or whatever, then I suggest you look at a few basic WIN32 tutorials to get an idea just how nasty this stuff is laugh

You'd be far better off with the C# wrapper though laugh

Last edited by DJBMASTER; 07/23/11 07:37.