Hmm. You have some good arguments.

Have to say I was inititally confused when you called the game "grunz," though.

Honestly I am also constantly annoyed by the collision detection... I was quite vocal about that here on the forums. Unfortunately AABB doesn't work in A7 and up, JCL didn't want to put it back in, and I didn't have the time to do it myself. I've recently gained a lot of knowledge in that regard and could probably do it now, but unfortunately the game is already out.

Ah well. Better luck next time.

... Now that I think of it, a lot of major annoyances with the collision detection could have actually been resolved with more invisible blocks and better level design... spike, I blame you. wink

Also the game might not play well, but it still looks good. At least, it looks good on a portfolio. Lots of people I don't even know have complimented me for being involved in a game that looks as good as grunts, although they've never played the game themselves.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!