I've played demo yesterday, after I saw how Blattsalat was criticizing it (BTW that was a good advertisement ^^ which even made me download the demo, and may be not only me). Yeah, movement is sucks, player stucks nearly everywhere... In some places (for example doorways) which should be passable as I think, player can jump and hang on them, and after that, he falls as if he falled from the height... The ellipsoid problem is also annoying (yes Redeemer, I hate GS collusions as well, but who cares?)... Most of the problem (if even not all of them) could be really fixed by invisible models (at least thats what I do to workaround terrible GS collusios). The style (I never liked it to be trully speaking) gave me only headache, but I liked some of the jokes at the begging of the game. Combat... Well I didn't really see anything that could be called combat, shooting those viruses isn't really a combat... That was boring. sPIke I think you should listen all things which are mentioned in this thread in to account when you'll be realising the next part! Not getting offended, not getting rude, but really listen and fix those problems. I do really not want to offend you, just wanted to give my two cents. And criticizm is really useful thing, please don't think that this thread is about bashing you game (or games), alpha_strike should really change the name of the thread...

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