Main reason is the fact, that you refuse one vital step of beta testing: the fixing.

I actually haven't refused to fix the bugs, but actually 75% of them are design bugs.

I could go back and redo the AI of course, which is the one thing that I'm truly responsible for, but only if spike wants me to. I don't make these decisions myself.

Also just to point out, the AI is that bad mostly because of the crummy collision detection in Gamestudio, believe it or not. I did a *lot* of debugging and found that the enemies "teleport" due to a glitchy gliding system... Although as I said earlier, this could've all been worked around if the following two conditions were filled:

1. I had the knowledge that the GS collision system is as crummy as it is; and
2. I had the knowledge to make a better one myself.

Of course both conditions are filled now, so once again, if Spike wants me to redo the AI and/or collision I will do it.

In this point I really disagree with spike, from where ever it was quoted. In my opinion, people like wolfire games, frictional games, dejobaan games and some others are professionals, even though their budget and manpower was and still is for sure quite restricted.

Spike was speaking to the GS community regulars, not the known professionals like the ones you listed.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!