I am not mad at you. I just think that developers (indies especially because thats who we are) that release bug infested games, call their audicence "too stuptid to understand their game" and have the guts to ignore massive gameplay and gamemachanics flaws (basicly selling a none working game) should get kicked in their balls.
Just my personal opinion as a customer and as a daveloper.
I do not care if you are MassEffect3 or Grunts. This is not acceptable.

Redeemer I dont understand you. Why didnt you call for help in the community when facing such troubles. There are workaround for every single issue in the game. Some of them being easy and fast to implement.
The pitty of it all is that none of this was necessary in the first place.

And to address this childish "you havent bought the game so you cant judge it" crap:
You state yourself on your webpage that episode one includes pretty much most of the game.
I have played the demo for several hours again and again.
So you can clearly explain to me how "buying it" would raise my judgment qualifications here.

Furthermore is charging money for a unknown beta test basicly a fraud.
Its like telling your customer after the accident that the brakes for the car he bought from you might be added later on.

And to be bring it down to one simple formula:
You wouldnt buy your own game because of the same reasons I wouldnt.

.... Do you now get a slight idea why i dont like how the project has turned out..

Models, Textures and Levels at: