And you still did not find a sollution? (hard to believe for me to be honest)
Did anyobdy thought of fixing (or at least minimizing) this with level design?
Did you reconcider the gameplay since you couldnt find a workaround?
Did you concider a free release since you could not achieve what was necessary?

Dont get me wrong Redeemer. I am not blaming you or any other person. Neither do i blame spike for the entire game.

I find it just unacceptable that you SELL this game. A game you admit (nothing wrong with that) is not that good and has quite a few issues.
I blame the "press" and "review" that dont point at the flaws of the game. And i dislike the community that basicly ignores all of this and acts like everything is alright and fine. I do not like how spike deals with critique, I do not like him blaming your customers for his faults, and i dont like how he tries to find cheap excuses and strange logical constructs for a mistake he made.

And what i hate most is the fact that still nothing has changed. After all of the rants, critique, talking aso there is absolutely nothing.

If this stays as it does, I do hope two things:
a.) You, Redeemer and all the others involved will find "better" projects and producers in the future.
b.) Not one more copy of this game gets sold. This behaviour should require learning and reflection first, before it grants income. (I know this hurts the wrong people too, but I am afraid there is no other way)

cheers and have a nice day

Models, Textures and Levels at: