I am sorry if the last post sounded rude. This was not on purpose.
I just wanted to point out that its not an excuse because others do it was well.
Its just not acceptable no matter how big the budget is.

Havent played fallout3 so I cant say much about it, though Oblivion worked and I am sure both games have at least been patched. At least oblivion must have been since i finished the game twice.

First of all I want to make clear that i do not think you coded this desultory.
Furthermore I do like and respect it a lot that you stand up here and try to defend/explain it. This takes some balls and I am sure everything would be a lot different if you were in charge here.

And I am very pleased that you are honestly trying to fix stuff. So maybe the whole "bashing" might have even helped.... wink

I wish you good luck.

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