Thanks for the encouragement guys! In all honesty though the engine isn't truly 3D. Internally it works more along the lines of Doom. As I learn more I'll probably get more ambitious and write a real 3D software renderer like Quake, but until then this is the pinnacle of my programming prowess.

Where do you get your knowledge from?

There isn't any one large source of information I reference. Aside from some introductory books, I've had no formal programming education on any of these subjects. I got started in software rendering when a great guy called Robert Rodgers taught me how to write a very simple Wolf3D clone (no wall/floor textures, just big colored cubes). From then on my greatest resource was the Ken Silverman (Build engine author) forum, where a handful of people like myself would exchange different ideas. But now that that's closed, I haven't the slightest idea where you'd go for help...

And can we look into your code?


Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!