So if a opbject has a distance > than 999999 it clips also away again... am i right?

No, that's not completely true. Take for example an object that has a size of 100 quants (size = radius of a sphere around the origin of the entity that completely surrounds it). Imagine, the entity is on the right-hand side of the view but not on the screen. If the origin of the entity is closer than 100 quants to the right plane of the view frustum, it will be rendered.
The entity variable clipfactor multiplies the size of the entity and uses that value in the visiblity check mentioned above (distance to plane closer than 100*clipfactor?).

SO is there any chance to change the data-type for the view-frustum in lite-c?
But what is the right name of the variable for the view-frustum
so i can use the cast-operation?

What variable are you talking about, clipfactor (or camera.clip_far)? clipfactor is only defined for entities:

typedef struct ENTITY {
	C_LINK link;
	char	*type;		// entity file name
	var	x,y,z;		// position of the entity
	void*	body;			// physX actor
	var	clipfactor;		// visual clipping factor

You see, as JustSid already mentioned, the data type is var and cannot be changed.

I assume you are looking for something different, maybe a sky entity (that's a view entity with SKY or SCENE flag)?

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