Of course I just used my own experiences. The model was avaible in FBX, 3DS, MAX and OBJ. I know there are thousands of satisfied Unity users where I am sure they've got great experiences, I just wanted to bash a bit in order to show my Gamestudio love laugh

At the end of the days, I don't care if it is a Unity problem or a problem on my side: Unity messes my things up, MED doesn't.

I don't have a particular problem with the OOP camera code but Unity crashed everytime I tried to assign the camera as var attached : Transform to another script, so this was the only method for me to get it working.

I didn't wanted to bash against Unity more than showing my love for Gamestudio.

"Ich weiss nicht genau, was Sie vorhaben, aber Sie können keine Triggerzonen durch Ihr Level kullern lassen."
-JCL, 2011