Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Originally Posted By: Liamissimo
At the end of the days, I don't care if it is a Unity problem or a problem on my side: Unity messes my things up, MED doesn't.

This attitude sounds ok for a consumer, a gamer, maybe a guy, who wants to play on a console without any tweaking, it should just work there.

But we are developers, we want to create something. And when there is a problem with a driver or with a missing tool or whatever, then we should be able to look a bit more into that to find a solution, to create games for the consumers. Bashing and ranting is what gamers do in Gamestar or 4Player forums. We are the good guys intelligent enough to look behind the scenes.

Maybe I am not cool enough to be a developer like the rest but I prefer to work with programs that are working too. Of course I've read all FAQ's, checked the reference, checked the forums and the file formats. But I don't get the point, why I am a just a gamer because I don't want to fiddle with Unity for hours instead of using a software that works like I want it to.

"Ich weiss nicht genau, was Sie vorhaben, aber Sie können keine Triggerzonen durch Ihr Level kullern lassen."
-JCL, 2011