I haven't tested this, but one way to have more than one look at object per level may be to change its action to this:


action set_cam_look_at //assign to look at object
my.passable = on;
my.invisible = on;
if(my.skill1 == cam_ptr.skill1)
cam_factor = my.skill2;
cam_look_at = me;

You'd have to make sure to include 1 entity per each camera/trigger and make sure each trio's skill1 matches. The entities' skill2 would be your cam_factor value, so you could assign different offsets to each one if desired.

Like I said I haven't tested it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. If for whatever reason it failed, you'd have to set it up using an array with handles like with the cams and triggers. When you call the get_cam function would be when you called out for a new look at entity.

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