Hi all.

Ventilator : I found the wrapper, but when I tested the car sample, the car fall across the ground. Will check it to see how it works.

I´m really interested in the idea you gave, using physics to collisions and raycast and made the physics calculations by myself. If I can move the car only with code and use physics take care of all collisions, would be a dream coming true.

Using PhysX, I got how to assemble the car and make it move reasonably.

To help a lil bit, I placed a Panel to help set some physic aspects, and I´m thinkng in improve it with all the values needed :

I dont liked too much the behaviour, and it was a pain to set physics values to achieve something at least aceptable.

This is what I got by now :

Youtube video of my PhisX car


Last edited by Carloos; 09/09/11 04:22.