I added all methods and then I looked into picture.h and there wasn't
// COM object standard methods
HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface (void* This, IID *riid, void** ppvObject);
DWORD __stdcall AddRef (void* This);
DWORD __stdcall Release (void* This);

as opposed to what is stated in the manual.. hmmm. After I removed that in my code, the engine didn't crashed anymore. Though, I get a wrong return value for my function - but that could be related to the DLL.

Nevertheless, that DLL uses a BSTR, has anyone successfully send and received a BSTR from a VB6 DLL? I made this typedef chain, I am not sure if this is correct, but it compiles very well:

// typedef chain for BSTR
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
typedef wchar_t WCHAR;
typedef OLECHAR* BSTR;
typedef BSTR* LPBSTR;

@Tobias: do you know how I can use the above posted preinitialized GUIDs?

Last edited by HeelX; 09/10/11 12:39.