in fact in Unity you can go full programming using C# also.
There are at least two plugin products made by programmers for Unity allowing to make a game using visual components (somewhat like the old Virtools).
It's sepcailly destined to pure 3D artits i think, and there are people asking and buying them ... So ...

In Unity i've seen a comment forpm a 3D artists having very little programming skills, but enought to do some basic things.
He said, if it wasn't Unity pre made templates (third person cameras, collisions controller etc ...) he would never had done so fast it's game to sell it on Apple Store.

In fact Unity is very versatile, allowing 3D artist to produce something fast , and programmers to go deep !
Just my point of view laugh

But i find their mobile licensing too much expensive for the pro version :
Android or Iphone each Pro license asks a lot fo money.
Compared to that Shiva 3D offers Iphone and Android support for one license cost only !