Originally Posted By: lostclimate
you come to bay city, MI where I live and try to find employment with a full resume....of freelance game design....

Although I feel sorry for you, you can't blame others for your mistakes. Freelance game design is a hobby, not a profession.

Ever been to a country where "we have nothing left" really means having nothing left? I'm not saying you need to take all the bullshit the government and financial elite is throwing at you. But you won't change anything this way. All those people got what they asked for.

The change needs to come from the people themselves - but as long as society's values don't change, society can't change the economy. They got you right by your balls; at 11am you're out protesting, at 1pm you're sitting at McDonald's, at 2pm you're playing with your iPhones, at 3pm you're drinking Coca Cola while watching TV...
Occupy, my ass.
