Originally Posted By: Pappenheimer
The principle of democracy is that all people can participate in political decisions, because they are affected by them. Democracy is the form of governing at present, because each elite - regardless of how well educated they were - failed to see the needs of the rest of their society, and thus failed to keep their supremacy.

But that's just it, America isn't a total democracy. There are many key democratic principles embedded in our constitution but the greater part of our government resembles (even more so in the past) a republic, where classes do exist and power is divided unequally.

Originally Posted By: lostclimate
I'd think running a software prototyping business for 5 years would be sufficient work background for such an insignificant job.

It certainly is frustrating but unfortunately in this day and age credentials are the deciding factor on your level of employment, not skill. I fully understand your sentiment and I do feel sorry for you; in other words, the system is screwed up. I'm only saying two things: 1) that you should've been aware of this before you got into this kind of work, and 2) that although the system is not fair, I don't believe protesting it will get much (if any) good done... and as I said, I just don't want to affiliate myself with this movement.

Last edited by Redeemer; 11/01/11 01:22.

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