Carlos: OK no waits or anything I get, and thanks for the code of your flow...
I think my problem boils down to the frame.

Which frame? Its an un-animated entity pretending to be a terrain.. so where
the hell does a frame number come from? Do you assign it one at some point or what?
I am really in-experienced with animations, so I always thought that ".frame"
was ONLY for animated entities... Obviously thats incorrect...

As for your current problem, I think MrGuest has got it for the heights, but I
have no idea how to get the normals using vec_dot... Im noob with normals...

I am watching with baited breath for more details from MrGuest about how to best
implement the vec_lerp because later I'll need to to similar.
My 256X256 terrains need building from 128x128 height-data...

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