Hey together

I've wrote a "small" dll for you

- Set the Window Title
- Open Internet Explorer with a specific adress
- Copy Files. Relative and absolute
- open chm (help) files.
- fill the clippboard with a string (sorry but at the moment i have some problems with the reading of the clipboard data into a string)
- Get Max Texture width/height
- Get Windows Directory (for serveral programms like Notepad)
- Set the Acknex window position
- Minimize the Acknex window.
- Open / Save dialog (updatet version of this plugin: plugin
- Get Vertex/Pixel Shader Version
- Create a Folder
- Delte Files
- Downloading Files from the Internet
- Delete Folders
- Open Windows Explorer with a specific path
- Open Notepad with a specific (right word?!) txt file.
- Open a Programm in the Windows directory like windows explorer

maybe some updates later


have fun with it.

as always free to use.
