>Australia just sold a shit ton of uranium to India.

No, we havent.
Our Prime Minister (that nobody actually voted for), is ASKING for support
from the rest of the government to allow the sales to BEGIN.

Currently the sale WONT go ahead, because India hasent/wont sign the
"nulcear weapons anti-proliferation agreement".
Until they do, it aint gunna happen.

Because she has stirred up enough ill-will with the United-Nations already with
our refugee (bordering on illegal) policies, no other politicians are going to
stir them up even MORE by ignoring what 'the agreement' stands for...

>Reddit got 25 million pageviews daily last month.
This may not seem much to you, but its actually more than
the ENTIRE population of Australia...

Last edited by EvilSOB; 11/17/11 16:37. Reason: Reddit

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