Yeah, I know what's going through your head. "What is this guy thinking!? A Halo clone is a ridiculously ambitious project!" True, true, but one I've been working on for two years.

A very short promo for version 1.2 (which is, in fact, obsolete by two months) can be seen on this YouTube video:

The download link (and a link to a Facebook page for the game) can be found in the description.... or here:

The game is called "Epic Falo" (you know, the epic fail version of Halo), and features single-player campaign with AI bots (one level and a remixed version), multiplayer for up to 3 players split-screen (soon to be increased to 4), and glitchy co-op campaign, also for 3 players.

Network games are not currently supported. [Any plans for this have been discontinued due to complexity, animation glitches, and your suggestions not to include it anyway.] There is also poor support for XBox 360 controllers, but this is subject to change for the next update - I'm already working on fixing that.

Animation is also terrible, due to (a) I am not a good animator and (b) there is an awful glitch with bones animation and split screen (at least in A6) that further reduces my desire to do any animating.

Edit: Needed more media for you all to see... screenshots are below.
Screenshot 1: Basic game, HUD, hallways, and a shoop-da-whoop

Screenshot 2: No ragdoll physics, so killing an enemy looks like this.

Screenshot 3: Engaging aliens in long-range combat.