Random comments in no particular order:

- This game is hilarious. Well done! I haven't tried the slayer mode with anyone yet but the first mission of the "campaign" was very fun.

- I didn't actually encounter any notable bugs at all. The game seemed pretty polished, even as rough as it is. The game felt very much like a halo game, only much funnier.

- The achievements are a really nice touch that add to the xbox feel of the game. The enemy dialogue and the weapon and map descriptions are hilarious.

- I still have to stand by my original statement on the online mode. Humorous games like these lose half of their appeal when you can't enjoy them with anyone else personally. The four player mode will suffice.

- Add CTF. 'cause you know, it's halo.

EDIT: More comments!

- I wouldn't worry about the animation. Watching the enemies slide around just made the game more fun. Less work this way anyway.

- I feel the same about the poor textures. If anyone came along and offered to do a better job for you I wouldn't turn them down but otherwise just don't worry about them at all.

- It would be nice if you moved the profile info out of the title image.

EDIT 2: Even more comments!

- Second level was a massive lol from start to finish. Flying cinderblock ftw. Also amnesia reference which made me lol.

- Well I said "even more comments" so I should technically write at least two. That was my second comment.

Last edited by Redeemer; 11/22/11 16:47.

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