In Java4k, we are using a highly optimized and compressed archives. Not an executable.
Also Java provides many high-level methods Wich only need to be called. The unpacking is also handled externally.
And as said, you can use a lot (not all) of your provided memory, and much higher Processorspeed than in the old days.

All this adds to the possibibily to make complex games in such a small size.

Nevertheless, 4k does not give you space to store any
"normal" assets, images or sounds. So its heavily relying on
procedural generation.
Even a short text can often drive the game out of bounds.

The resulting sourcecode also looks very messi. And highly linear. (mostly using just one Class, with one main procedure, and 2 small Appletspecific procedures)


Even in gamestudio, Im shure its possible to write a decent game
in like 64kB(zipped), if the enginefiles are not counted in.
Last 256k contest already showed that some cool games can result out of that.

Btw, this text here is already 1.034 Bytes ACSII