
I have just released a (small) plugin/DLL for Gamestudio - a XML library.

LiteXML lets you (at the moment):
  • load xml files from a path or directly from a string
  • access elements from the tree (Attributes/Values)

Here is the ReadMe which contains all the important information:
Click to reveal..
ReadMe for LiteXML

Thank you for downloading LiteXML, a lite and stable XML plugin for 3D

Gamestudio. LiteXML covers the most basic and needed functions at this



Whenever you load a document, get a node or a attribute, memory for that

object will be allocated because of the structure of pugiXML. If you do

not want to waste memory, you have to call LXMLDelete[Object] where the

[Object] is the thing you want to delete. This will free the memory of

the allocated object.

If you like LiteXML and want to support me if you want to get more

functions (like saving/modifying etc), please consider a donation at


This DLL may be used in any commercial or uncommercial project made with

3D Gamestudio. You are not allowed to sell this DLL directly, only in

connection with a project. You are allowed to pass this DLL to another

person, as long as you mention me (Marian Frische) or my website:


This software is based on pugixml library (http://pugixml.org).
pugixml is Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Arseny Kapoulkine.

Marian Frische, 26-11-2011

You can download the DLL/Header/Demo and the ReadMe [here].

If you like LiteXML (or any of the upcoming plugins) or if you just
want to keep my website running, please consider a donation (You can
donate by clicking the donation button on the download page).

Donations will also "motivate" me to add more content (like functions
for adding/modifying the xml) which I don't need for myself C:.

C&C accepted laugh

Thanks in advance,