I'm sorry, I don't understand your problem. Try the following code (tested) with your own model:
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

PANEL* panel =
	digits(20,20,"Frames: %f",*,1,total_frames);
	flags = SHOW | SHADOW;

void main()
	fps_max = 60;
	video_mode = 9;
	you = ent_create("object.mdl",vector(200,0,0),NULL);
	panel.target_map = bmap_for_entity(you,0);

The panel is updated and painted every frame but the entity's texture won't be cleared/ reloaded automatically, thus you will see old values "below" the current value. You can either reload the texture every frame (could be slow, I guess), render a background panel (again with target_map, lower layer value) into the same bitmap or simply set panel's bmap to a background image.

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