Some days ago I was browsing through Acknex Unlimited and I found this 2009 Summer Contest Entry by Martin Coumont ( and couldn't resist to share it with people here, as I'm sure some of you didn't know about it.

Approximate Cumulative Distribution Function Shadowmapping (ACDFSM) allows bassically dynamic shadowmapping for:

-Sun Light
-Up to 9 Lights at the same time.

I've searched for a long time for something like this and finally found it, I tested on A8 building a simple scene using ACDFSM and A8's HDR It and it worked perfectly.

Here are some screenshots:

Link for scene+source:

If you want to use it I've prepared it so you just have to copy the folder "ACDFSM" to you project folder and add these lines to your code:

#include "acdfsm_main.c"

then start them:


You can easily add lights using the included my_pointlight and my_spotlights dummy models, as they will get automatically assigned their action and you can set them up in WED in seconds.

Thank you very very much Martin Coumont!!

Last edited by painkiller; 12/06/11 15:39.

3D Gamestudio A8 Pro
AMD FX 8350 4.00 Ghz
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 4GB