That's quite an insight, thanks for posting! I'd like to read some other articles about the incident before I judge the situation, but here's just a few comments on the linked article:

- His writing style is colorful. It's obviously a very emotional report, and although this is understandable, it may not be entirely accurate or give all of the details, even as insightful as it may be.

- It is interesting how he mentions that he was still in the park beyond the point when it was legal for him to be there. Sure it's just a misdemeanor, but that doesn't make it any less illegal. Since the beginning of the USA, peaceful protests have only been counted as peaceful as long as they were conducted at the proper location, in the proper way, AND at the proper time. Although I feel that the force applied by the police to subdue the protesters was probably over the top, we can't forget this fact.

- It's also interesting how he mentions that the protesters, at least at first, would not cooperate with the police's orders. And (checking again) it's interesting how he doesn't say how much time passed between the point where the order to disband was given, and the point where they violently subdued the protesters.

As a minor side note, his mentioning of CitiBank's corrupt business tactics reminded me of the movie Wall Street. I'd like to see that movie again...

Eats commas for breakfast.

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