I was away from my computer for nearly two weeks over Christmas. Wasn't happy about that. All I had was my backup USB drive and my brother's netbook, which can't run KarBOOM, so I decided to learn some stuff that should be valuable for my next game:

I'm pretty adamant that my next game will run on Windows, Mac and Linux, whether I get to use GS for it or not.

My engine's lacking a bit -- my mesh importer doesn't calculate tangents yet, so no normal mapping, and I have to work out some kinks in the transformations. But the entity/mesh/shader/texture system is flexible and it seems to work on Linux and Windows (I haven't tested Mac yet).

Now that I'm home and have access to my development computer, though, I'm back on KarBOOM in GS -- need to bust out more updates and finish it!

EDIT: Tangents work, normal mapping works, using custom matrices instead of the built-in ones now, and the car shader now does everything real-KarBOOM's car shader does:

I'm not porting KarBOOM -- it's still very much a GS game. I'm just using what I've already got in GS as the benchmark to make sure my engine is working as it's supposed to.

Now -- really -- back to GS KarBOOM!

Last edited by JibbSmart; 01/04/12 16:13.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!