hi !

>>Allow users to set vectors per =, not only per vec_set. Some possible solution:
I don't think that that's an optimal solution, as it suggests that the Vector object is actually assigned, which would mean that
Vector temp = new Vector(2, 3, 4);
entity.xyz = temp;

temp.x = 2000;

// I would expect entity.x now to be 2000 ! but it wouldn't be that way !

>>Please add constructors to your classe. Eg:
i already once used constructors for this, but static methods are preferable for me, as with static constructors it's immediately clear which method is used to construct the object, with a normal constructor, one has to read, guess or search (because only the number/types of arguments would change for the constructors)!

>>Add a implicit cast to the Vector class, so we can write this:
looks too weird imho

>>Add a Tag property to all objects (like in WinForms), so we can store custom objects into the engine objects

i currently don't know what Tags are for, I had a quick look and only found something about an object variable ? In which situations is such a tag used or beneficial ?

>>Also you could split the class ENTITY into ViewEntity and WorldEntity, so we can differ also in code and it will be much clearer what is used.

this is a good idea, although I'll have to see if this is actually doable (because i don't know if viewEntities and worldEntities are handled that separate)

>>another thing what would be nice: remove all prefixes of the class functions. this looks simply strange. much better would be this:
this has been mentioned multiple times in this thread, and yes it would look much better, but i want to know exactly what method I'm calling and be able to look it up immediately in the gamestudio manual, that's why i think that the actual name of the lite-c method is preferable

Thanks for the feedback laugh

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at http://acknexwrapper2.matthias-auer.net/ or visit the thread