Use gamestudios file functions.

if you use file_var_write you can store a number in a file. With file_str_write, you can write a string to a file.


file_str_write(handle, "Hi");
file_str_write(handle, "its");
file_str_write(handle, "me");


file_str_read(handle, str1); //str1 is now "Hi"
file_str_read(handle, str2); //str2 is now "its"
file_str_read(handle, str3); //str3 is now "Me"

there are some alternate versions of file_str_read (look into the manual)
But as you can see, the functions already use seperation.

file_str_read reads until it hits a return/nextline char OR hits a seperator(usually ,).

so for writing you'll always first use file_var_write to note the ID and then start writing your data, and on loading you always do

look which content it means and use its function
after content is read out use file_var_read again


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GenesisPrecompiler for LiteC
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