Wow sorry for the delay X___X!!!

@ rachet :

I understand the point of view. o_<!!

Well lets say I do not share or sell model on my website.

What I perform is a direct service to client.
It means that I build an unique 3D model for their game.
That also mean I do not sell more than one unit of the a model.

At the inverse, packs content sold for a few dollars create income on number of unit sold without limit in quantity and in time of availability on the market.

You can imagine that I work into a company, and I get paid for hours of work.
Once the work done that is copyrighted data to the client.
I can showcase it to promote my skill on my website adding copyright (client + game detail)but I cannot share or sell one to another person.

Finally the price written into my 3D section is about hour of work.
I cannot get more that this price.

Concerning the low poly angel model, that is about 375$ including 1 day and half of work for the concept + model + mapping + texture + Rigging + skin.

I hope the explanation will make the light!!! o_<

EDIT : And thinking about something right now... Not sure so far if I am right but.... Did you ever seen a Dexsoft 3D asset into a released and commercial game? O_o...

Last edited by samavan; 01/25/12 08:35.