During the last few seconds, i implemented implicit "this".

Which means that its not necessary to use "this" inside a method for accessing a member of the "this" instance.
However. If you dont use "this", the precompiler first searches the current method for a declared var of this name, if its not found, it searches the class of this method for a member with this name. As you cann see, if you have a class with a member called "FCount" and a method with a lokal var called "FCount", the compiler will priorize the lokal var and NOT use the member of the Class.

example input: (CList has a var of type int called FCount)

void CList::Remove(int AIndex)
    int i;
    if(clamp(AIndex, 0, FCount-1) == AIndex)
        for (i = AIndex; i < FCount-2; i++)
            (FItems)[i] = (FItems)[i+1];
        FItems = sys_realloc(FItems, sizeof(int), FCount, FCount-1);
        FCount -= 1;

example output:
void GenesisCListRemove(CList* this, int AIndex)

    int i;
    if(clamp(AIndex, 0, this.FCount-1) == AIndex)
        for (i = AIndex; i < this.FCount-2; i++)
            (this.FItems)[i] = (this.FItems)[i+1];
        this.FItems = sys_realloc(this.FItems, sizeof(int), this.FCount, this.FCount-1);
        this.FCount -= 1;

but this behaves differently:
void CList::Remove(int AIndex)
    int i;
    int FCount;
    if(clamp(AIndex, 0, FCount-1) == AIndex)
        for (i = AIndex; i < FCount-2; i++)
            (FItems)[i] = (FItems)[i+1];
        FItems = sys_realloc(FItems, sizeof(int), FCount, FCount-1);
        FCount -= 1;

void GenesisCListRemove(CList* this, int AIndex)

    int i;
    int FCount;
    if(clamp(AIndex, 0, FCount-1) == AIndex)
        for (i = AIndex; i < FCount-2; i++)
            (this.FItems)[i] = (this.FItems)[i+1];
        this.FItems = sys_realloc(this.FItems, sizeof(int), FCount, FCount-1);
        FCount -= 1;

As you can see from this example, the lokal var has a higher priority/visibility.


MY Website with news of my projects:
(for example my current
Muliplayer Bomberman,
GenesisPrecompiler for LiteC
and TileMaster, an easy to use Tile editor)