congrats on getting em working... it can be a lil confusing/frustrating the very first go round....

... and the second, and the third

but soon it'll come as second nature...

ok, as far as the scaling thing you're experiencing... do this...

open up the shader in a text editor and look for this line of code

Out.Tex = texcoord0.xy*40;

the value at the end may be different than the example i am showing, this is the value i changed to get the textures scaled properly for my particular application.

play with the last value a bit to get the desired effect...

also, the following line affects the light falloff

float LightRange = 0.0001;

again, the last value in my example may be different...


float4 gloss = tex2D( sBumpMap, psInStruct.Tex )/32;

will affect the glossiness of the materials appearance...

good luck, i hope this helps a bit
