
I got a little problem. I am writing shaders for Image Factory and one of them is a "color-to-alpha" shader [like the option in Gimp], but I cannot get the alpha transparency working.

float4 vecSkill1;
texture TargetMap;
sampler smpSource = sampler_state { texture = <TargetMap>; };

float4 ColorToAlpha_PS( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0
	float4 AlphaColor;
	float4 Color;

	AlphaColor = tex2D( smpSource, Tex.xy);

	AlphaColor.r -= vecSkill1.x;
	AlphaColor.g -= vecSkill1.y;
	AlphaColor.b -= vecSkill1.z;
	AlphaColor.a = abs(AlphaColor.r)+abs(AlphaColor.g)+abs(AlphaColor.b);
	AlphaColor.a /= 3;

	Color = tex2D( smpSource, Tex.xy);
	Color.a = AlphaColor.a;
	return Color;

technique tech_00
	pass pass_00
		VertexShader = null;
		PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 ColorToAlpha_PS();

technique fallback { pass one { } }

I also tried [for testing] to set the Color.a to the Color.r value, which resulted in semi-transparent red-parts and fully visible rest oO

May I misunderstood the shader thing?

[FYI: The shader is applied via bmap_process and the image is created via bmap_createblack, 32bits. ]

I am also having problems with alpha in other shaders, but this is the most important laugh [I will learn from it^^]

Thanks in advance,