Hey all laugh
Im searching for a level-designer who wants to finish with me the project "World of Battlegrounds". Its a First Person Shooter in style of Counter-Strike: Source and Battlefield. It will be a multiplayergame. I finished so far the handling of weapons, this means shooting, aiming, firering, dynamic weaponhandling like in bf3 when moving mouse wepon moves with dynamicly, weapons are fully animated etc. and I finished the playermovement like walking, jumping, crouching, climbing, etc.
Than I have made some GUI things like health and ammo-panel and a chat(Player1: Awesome game!) + killchat(Player1 [AK-47] Player 2)
Also, the network code is 90% finished, just need to improve the transition of the different animations.
But I really suck on leveldesign frown
When somebody is interested in helping me on this project by making ALL of the levels, please just post it here. Now some screenshots(map is just for testing purpose):

Last edited by Ch40zzC0d3r; 02/16/12 18:37.