Poison Dagger is a stealth game along the lines of Splinter Cell, (or "Thief", if you are familiar with that title). The object of the game is to use your skills and mental agility, rather than force. Poison Dagger is set entirely within a massive island fortress, through which your character Wedonkind--an unlikely anti-hero who has sworn never to kill again--must find his way through and succeed in his mission without anyone knowing he was there.

The backstory is relayed in short segments at key points in the game, giving more and more context to, and meaning behind, this seemingly impossible feat.

A playable alpha demo has been completed, and will be made available to qualified applicants.

Full time pay is not an option; however, I offer to pay reasonable amounts per task, plus profit percentage to those considered over time to be the core team.

Eponym Entertainment requires the following areas to be filled at this time:
*Modeling / Animation
*Level Design

As for my credentials, I am an admittedly talented writer and composer, with an eye for artistic detail and a mind malleable enough to understand computer logic. I have been a part of many different projects over the years, and until recently was a director at Keen Software House, (you may recognize the title, "Miner Wars"), for nearly three years.

Please direct your inquiries to eponym.ent@gmail.com
I would prefer that you include as much sample work as you are capable of providing, and a few paragraphs describing yourself and comparable experiences. If you have a soft spot for this sort of game, please don't hesitate to contact me.

~I'm pretty sure I'm uncertain.