Game_save and game_load its not working for when going back and fort between levels, here is why:

I'm in level 1 right now and I kill 5 main monsters then collect $500. From this point I can go to level 2 so I can kill more monsters collect more money and get better weapons.
So before I leave level 1 I game_save level 1 then load level 2 right? Now I kill 5 monsters collect another $500, now I have $1,000 and I have to go back to level 1, before I leave level 2 I have to save level 2 and then game_load level 1, sense I have to game_save all my progress under same string name and game_load from the same .SAV file I never leave level 2 it sends me to a loop, which is game_save before leaving level 2 then game_load from the same saved file which was last saved in level 2 it always game_loads me back to level 2 again and again?

But when I game_save and game_load under different .SAV name for level 1 and level 2 then I can't bring anything back from level 2 to level 1, because of saving and loading level 1 under different name.

I do appreciate you guys trying to help me out I have learned a lot from this.

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