
The new map compiler with different memory management can now compile and light levels of theoretically unlimited size.

Entity skills 49..60 are now available for shader vectors.

The view_to_split function calculates a bounding box and projection matrix for isometric PSSM view.

Doesn´t look that bad to me. Working on PSSM, map compiler and ways to change shader properties from within an editor on a per object base.

If A9 comes with a new WED, I don´t really see a reason why I shouldn´t update, because I really like the engines approach to supply basics and offer things like shaders as some basic templates just like movement scripts and stuff like that. The only thing that isn´t yet that awesome is the way these templates are structured and can be setup. I also don´t really see a reason for an android port, except that it means an OpenGL renderer which would help linux and mac support a lot.
Also, in my opinion while WED and MED are definatly outdated, they are much easier to understand for a beginner than for example the Unity editor and I am really not sure if I hadn´t given up if I had started with Unity instead of gamestudio.
Of course you are right, about this forums activity, which was really great in the past...