I just remembered that ParadoxStudio (the creator of the Natural Media Center and the AR plugin) said (after asked for it), that they use Gamestudio because of it's easyness and straightforward way of working with.

One of my clients is launching a biofeedback device for the health & medical market and is seriously considering to use Gamestudio as default development platform for future games and applications, because stunning results can be created/prototyped and polished in a very short timeframe and it has some unique features like the native socket commands that are perfect for their hardware interface.

I know several developers that are producing retail Gamestudio-games for the german market that have budgets of over several dozens of grands. Here in this forum are active and inactive people that are still making a huge amount of their money with it.

What almost anyone is missing is the fact, that games in particular require a huge amount of work and for most productions, customized in-house tools are an absolute must-have, not including the tools to create art, audio and everything else you need. Plus talent and effort and blood and sweat and tears - and not fancy soft shadows from outer space.

You know what? Talk is cheap and I seriously doubt that most of the people are really constrained in how they are progressing with their game (if there is even something in development) because feature X and Y are missing or platform Z is not supported.

In my eyes it is more important to ask "what can I do?" than "what can I not do?". And if you really think that there is no way to do what you want to do --- you are always free to change technology..

Last edited by HeelX; 03/10/12 23:55.