Wow... maybe my learning curve is not so progressive then yours, no problem with that. But you gave me the very honorable tip for this code based book "Game Development by example" and I must admit... my learning donīt stop by...say... page 108 - remember? The problem with Quaternion.Slerp();.I did not stop by fucking in this code... I switched to the scripting reference and tryed out to understand, what the code does. The same I did with the autolayout of Gui Systems. Even such a small code like "GuiText"... Everytime, I did a clue what the engine is doing, I just switched to the reference and tryed out every single function of a class. ...and just look at these amazing tons of functions of the GUI-Class. I could not understand all the functions in 1 hour. Congrats, if somebody is able to study the stuff in a few hours. I am not.

btw.Thanks for the new tuts!