Originally Posted By: JibbSmart
Managed languages tend to (from what I've read, and from what I know might vary from language to language) do their garbage collection in one go rather than regularly and over time. This is great for event-based applications where a sudden stutter will go unnoticed, but doesn't suit applications where a smooth framerate throughout is desirable.

yes, it depends on the type of the garbage collector and just like with manual memory managment you shouldn't cause the allocation of a lot of memory in inner loops. but it is no big deal. i think in unity there also is a function for forcing the collection of garbage at the intervals you want.

unityscript has nothing to do with javascript. javascript is something totally different. you could also call lite-c javascript. the similarity is about the same. laugh and unityscript for sure isn't harder than lite-c. the api is the difference. i agree that the unity api is more overwhelming at first.

i wouldn't use unityscript though. proprietary languages lock you in.