I'm curious what kind of smartphone(s) (meant here: a phone that can receive and run "apps") you have, and I'm only interested in the platform.

I'm trying to create a workflow where gamelogic can be created in C++ and without modifications compiled to any mobile platform and Windows. For Windows I use 3d gamestudio, for mobile platforms I use MoSync. Working like this will of course limit you a lot, but I believe that if you use a consistent, sparse graphics style and keep your game small (in memory and design, not necessarily in gameplay), it's possible to have a gamedesign workflow for a broad selection of the most important indy-profitable gaming platforms.

But to know for what mobile platforms to compile to, I'd like to know what you have laugh. I wonder especially about the less known platforms. Perhaps they are in use more than we'd think...

I have a Nokia running JavaME (actually workphone, my private one is not smartphone-worthy grin.

I have the following smartphone platforms:
multiple choice
Votes accepted starting: 03/13/12 20:11

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