
I've gotta ask, and answer honestly please,

After using Unity for 3-7days how many people have now said so long to 3DGS?

Well i really like Unity and have switched.
All i'm doing with my A7 Pro at the moment is writing shaders for fun/CSiS/Shade-C.
Everything else done in Unity (And i'm not only talking about games here, see examples below).

I never really used Unityscript in Unity though, but switched to full C# almost right from the beginning as it's more organized and advanced.
The cool thing about Unity is, that you can mix Unityscript, C# and Boo in one project and access Unityscript/Boo from C# and vice versa. I don't do that though, as this, again, is very unorganized (to me at least). Also you can easily use C# libs to further extend Unity.

Actually prototyping in Unity is way faster than prototyping in Acknex (Thanks to the AWESOME all-in-one editor, MonoDevelop and the Behaviour and Prefab approach. Also, debugging is actually fun now). (edit: remember that this is my PERSONAL oppinion, as everything else!)
Support for a lot of different platforms also is a big plus for my work, as i'm experimenting with Mobile and Web Applications a lot.

Believe it or not, but my master thesis is being done in Unity, as was my bachelor thesis and other projects i did at university.

Here's some stuff i did with Unity:

Serious Game about Oil:

Facebook Game, Homage to the Message Flood you get from your "friends"

A popup-book, targeted for Tablet devices (video is captured on windows though)

My bachelor thesis: Creating a fast and easiy production pipeline to get print media on Tablet devices, with support for video, audio, 3d visualizations and games. No programming skills needed. (You have to click on the picture with the tablet and the hand to see a short video of the final product)

As for my master thesis: It's a "pseudo MMO", and it's coming along great. I could have never done that in A7 in the same amount of time. I was able to setup Players and NPCs in about a week, including movement prediction, basic AI and pathfinding, pseudo P2P and database backend.

Don't get me wrong though, i like Acknex for what it is and what it did for me in the past (got into university because of Acknex, also writing shaders is really fun), but by now it really seems kind of old-school and non-intuitive. Also the lack of support for additional platforms is a BIG minus for me.

All in all, you should really give Unity a whirl, especially with the current offer for free iOS and Android Licenses. And you should stay away from unityscript and get into C# right away: You will have more fun and work faster in the long term. laugh

And now start the "Unity sucks!" "You suck!" bashing laugh
Or simply keep in mind that all of the above is my PERSONAL oppinion and that i still use Acknex every now and then for shader related things wink

Last edited by BoH_Havoc; 03/18/12 16:33. Reason: i'm tired

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework