Thanks for all the advice. Everything helps allot. I will gracefully accept any criticism or compliments from all future screen shots because I'm building the game more for the people than myself. My goal is to add to the good space game tittles available on the market, not the bad ones.

I've been thinking about upgrading to A8 for a while now. At first I was afraid that my A7 lite-c code would have compatibility issues with A8. eek

I spent a whole year learning the very basics of A7 lite-c and do not want to spend more time learning all over again the basics of A8. tired

After reading about the upgrade, it's my understanding that if I was to program an A8 game (after upgrade purchase) using only A7 lite-c, I will not run into any compatibility problems. I would only have to handle engine physics programming differently.

If I'm wrong about this than please let me know. confused